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Sculpture of cow spurs ongoing efforts to aid homeless in Amherst
A cow sculpture that can be fed money will benefit homeless people in Amherst by helping to fund operations of the winter shelter run by Craig’s Doors...
The Valley Advocate: The Serious Questions; and more...
The cow passersby feed to help the homeless has quickly become a fixture on North Pleasant Street in Amherst. Sculptor Kamil Peters created the cow, which honors the logo of Counterfeit Cow Productions, a film company that has released a film about homelessness in Amherst called Homeless in a...
The Republican: Cow created to collect donations for Amherst homeless shelter to be unveiled by filmmakers.
AMHERST – While filmmakers are in the final edits of their film on homelessness here, the cow inspired by their work will be unveiled Saturday and set in place. Matthew Heron Duranti and Sari Gagnon began filming “Homeless in Amherst” last year and while filming came up with the idea of creating a cow to collect donations
MoTiv: Scene and Heard
Counterfeit Cow Productions is currently filming a documentary in Amherst, MA entitled Homeless in a College Town...
Celebzter - Spotlight: “Homeless in a College Town”, a documentary
We walk past them on the street every day, and in recent years, the amount of people who are homeless has grown and grown….and the numbers of those falling below the poverty level in America has risen...
The Republican: Filmmakers looking for funds to help finish documentary on Amherst homeless.
AMHERST — Since June, two filmmakers have been chronicling the lives of the homeless in town and are nearing the end of their work. But they’re looking to raise $20,000 to finish their 105-minute documentary “Homeless...